Ethics in the Fitness Industry

by Dr Greg Leaney

In this course University Lecturer and Doctor, Greg Leaney discusses the concept of 'professionalism'.

Inviting students to think about what traditional professions like Doctors and Lawyers exibit from newer professions like 'fitness professions.

Dr Greg Leaney then delves into the three main contemporary ethical theories as a basis for students to understand and breakdown ethical questions.  

Ch 1.1 - Introduction

At the end of this class you should be able to: 1. Understand the concept of a profession 2. Evaluate whether or not fitness practitioners are professionals 3. Understand the obligations & rights of professional practitioners

Ch 1.2 - Defining Professionalism

In this Chapter Dr Greg Leaney discusses the concept of what it means to be in a traditional profession and how the fitness industry fits into this model.

Ch 1.3 - What Does Being a Professional Involve?

Examining the obligations and rights of a professional. How does the fitness industry as a whole exhibit this types of obligations?

Ch 1.4 - Ethical Obligations of Other Parties

Examining the obligational cross over between the professional and their client and when those obligations conflict with other parties such as the professional's employer and/or the general public.

Ch 2.1 - Ethics & Reflective Morality

The Trolley Problem What do we think and understand what reflective morality and how that relates to professional ethics in the Fitness Industry?

Ch 2.2 - Critically Reflective Practice

Critically Reflective Practice goes beyond viewing the way we view the world as being the only "way it just is" to interrogate our own ideas, our own beliefs and our own understandings. It turns our gaze inwards to examine our own perspective and practices.

Ch 2.3 - Deontological Ethics

An overview of the concepts of understanding with regards to - Deontological Ethics - Consequentialist Ethics - Virtue Ethics A further explanation of Deontological Ethics with discussion around "Kante's Axe Problem" and the question posed by should somebody always do what's right, no matter what the outcome is to enjoy a clear conscience?

Ch 2.4 - Consequentialist Ethics

Utalitarianism Explained. The question surrounding - does sometimes the ends justifies the means? When is this appropriate and acceptable?

Ch 2.5 - Virtue Ethics

A different approach to Ethics, what is termed and inside out approach. How the cultivating of different virtues is central to proper development to one's own character and ethical make up. How to build your own model for moral evaluation to create your own personal ethical decision making process.

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Course Info

Mar 24, 2024
All levels
$ 99.00


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