Pregnancy and Training
This is there to ensure that you are able to absorb the information in this course to YOUR maximum ability We hope that you are as excited as we were when we set up of-course online. Our passion is post education and our objective are to leave you feeling inspired and motivated.
They seem to be under the impression that due to their ‘predicament’ they should not exercise as this will jeopardise their pregnancy. This will only be true if the doctor has said that the client has a delicate condition e.g. lose cervix, previous miscarriages, has fallen pregnant through fertility treatment or any other reason that the doctor may feel to be delicate. However, a pregnant client definitely needs a specialised program and an instructor that is familiar and confident with training her. It is important to know the restrictions and guidelines for maintaining a healthy pregnancy.
This is such an important stage in a lady’s life that she needs to ensure that her body is healthy and that she has a strong mind body connection in order to feel at ease and be aware of all the changes that are to come. If at any stage an instructor feels that they are not sure of what they are delving into then it is best to avoid training any pregnant client in order to avoid any disastrous consequences.
Pre Study Guide - Course Outline
Trimesters and training.
1st Trimester:
2nd Trimester
3rd Trimester
Safe Stretches
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