Pain and Injury Rehabilitation

by Oliver Blenkinsop

Learning Outcomes

Chapter 1 Understanding Pain:

  • An Introduction to "Understanding Pain" briefly discussing; Anatomy of the nervous system and what is nociception
  • Modulators of Nociception and how pain travels through our body's
  • In this chapter we cover concepts related to Pain and the factors contributing to pain sensitivity and why we sometimes feel pain when we don't have an accident
  • Bio-Psycho-Social Model 
  • Using a clinical example to understand how environmental factors affect a persons understanding and perception of Injury
  • Dangers In Me DIM's and Safety In Me SIM's 
  • Understanding examples where the brains capacity to evaluate the "Danger In Me" versus "Safety In Me" 
  • Case Study - Insight into a real world example of pain and how its perceived
  • The Physiological Affects of Pain 
  • The effect of increasing pain and the pain neuromatrix 
  • Graded Motor Imagery
  • Learn the three phased approach in managing people in long term chronic pain and offer strategies to bring your clients out of chronic pain to enjoy a more functional and successful lifestyle

Chapter 2 Understanding Muscle Injuries

  • Structure of Muscles and repair process of tissue injury
  • Types of muscle injuries and stages of repair
  • Injury Classification and Grading 
  • Learn Pollock et al's updated muscle injury grading system from old grade 1-3 to the new severity and location grading system Grade 0-4 a/b/c
  • Muscle Injury Location Grading System
  • Review the new a/b/c location specific aspects of the new muscle injury grading system by Pollock et al 
  • Hamstring Injuries
  • Learn how the architecture of hamstring fascicles relate to the strength and structure association with strong or vulnerable hamstrings
  • Factors Contributing Towards Muscle Tears
  • Identify the risk factors that you as a trainer or coach can modify to prevent injury and strategies you will need to consider to mitigate the risks you can't modify
  • Characteristics of Hamstring Injuries
  • Learn how the anatomy of hamstring muscles, their structure and function can make the hamstring vulnerable to specific classifications of tear
  • High Speed Running
  • Understand the biomechanic stress that high speed running puts on the hamstring when the legs are in terminal swing and full hip extension during running

Chapter 3 Understanding Tendon Injuries

  • Tendinopathy Introduction
  • This introduction outlines what is a tendon, what is a tendinopathy, the terminologies and the pain dysfunction associated with tendon injurie
  • The Cook Model of tendon injuries and the physiology underlying tendon injury
  • Learn the Cook continuum for better understanding how to rehabilitate tendon injuries
  • Treatment Options for tendon injuries
  • In this lesson you will learn how to consider the requirements of the individual and the thought process behind your exercise and load selection when choosing rehabilitation options to strengthen tendons

Chapter 4 Understanding Ligament Injury

  • Ligamentous Injury
  • In this lesson you will learn the structure and function of ligaments, the classification of injury of ligaments, signs and symptoms of injury, the healing phases and factors affecting the outcomes
  • Signs, Symptoms & Factors Effecting Healing Outcomes
  • Learn what to recognize when presented with a ligament injury and the considerations required when planning the recovery phase
  • Sensorimotor Effects
  • Understand how the body coordinates itself in space and its ability to control and prevent excessive movement
  • ACL Injuries
  • Understand the recovery times and implications of ACL injuries and how best to approach the rehabilitation process
  • Preventative Exercise & Neuromuscular Training
  • Learn how to select appropriate exercises to prevent future ACL injuries especially in those who are high risk of suffering an ACL injury
  • Return To Play
  • Understand the considerations of the time it takes the tissue to fully heal and the function that must be restored before returning to high intensity training and competition

Who is this Course Great For?

Injury Rehabilitation Preview and Introduction

Introduction to the Online Injury Rehabilitation Course, that covers The Neurophysiology of Pain, Muscle injuries and healing times, Tendon Injuries and Healing times and Ligament Injury and healing times and rehabilitation exercises for muscle injuries, rehabilitation exercises for tendon injuries and rehabilitation exercises for ligament injuries

Pain L1 - Understanding Pain

What exactly is pain? The basic neurophysiology behind pain and how pain is created in the brain and what its purpose is.

Pain L2 - Modulators of Nociception

What is nociception? What is the purpose nociception? Why do we feel pain and how does pain travel through our body?

Pain L3 - Bio-Psycho-Social Model

What is the biopsychosocial model? How is the perception of pain heightened when we factor in the biological factors, the psychological factors and the social problems that suffering pain might create, or the suffer may anticipate creating

Pain L4 - DIMS & SIMS

Understanding what are the Dangers In Me Vs the Safeties in Me and how do DIMs and Sims effect pain and the awareness of potential threats.

Pain L5 - Case Study

Ollie talks through a Case Study of the potential scenario surrounding a Footballer with an old Hamstring Injury feels a slight twinge in the same hamstring just before the season begins. Might they be more sensitive to the pain based on their history and the timing of the injury?

Pain L6 - Nociceptive Pain Recap

Recap over what is nociception, what is its purpose, why do we benefit from it and how that effects our belief system around pain and function.

Pain L7 - Chronic Pain/Central Sensitisation

What is the difference between Nociceptive Pain and Chronic Pain. What are the signs and symptoms of chronic pain? How to better understand when an acute pain or gradual onset pain becomes chronic and what we can start to do about it

Pain L8 - Physiological Effects

What are the changes that occur as disinhibition of the nervous system. What kind of shift in neurochemistry is caused by ongoing pain. The increase in sensitivty to noxious and non-noxious stimuli. How does the sensory cortex re-organise itself. What kind of emotional changes occur and what kind of alterations will the rest of our nervous system undergo.

Pain L9 - Graded Motor Imaging (GMI)

Paradigm for managing Chronic Pain from David Butler Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Phantom Limb Pain Stroke Patients Post surgical immobilisation pain

Muscles L10 - Muscle Structure & Function

Understand the basic underlying structure of muscle fibres and how that relates to injury and healing and the function of muscle fibres and how they act when damaged.

Muscles L11 - Injury Classification & Grading

An expansion on the basic classification of muscle injuries and an introduction to the use of a new more detailed classification that outlines both severity and location of the muscle tear. This can then lead to more accurate recovery timelines

Muscles L12 - Muscle Injury Location Grading System

An expansion on the basic classification of muscle injuries and an introduction to the use of a new more detailed classification that outlines both severity and location of the muscle tear. This can then lead to more accurate recovery timelines

Muscles L13 - Hamstring Injuries

One the most frequently injured muscles as a result of a tear is the hamstring muscle. Ollie dives deep into the physiology of a muscle tear with hamstrings as the example

Muscles L14 - Risk Factors Contributing Towards Muscle Tears

The difference between muscle physiology of muscles that are; Short/Weak Short/Strong Long/Weak Long/Strong

Muscles L15 - Classifications of Hamstring Injuries

How to apply the classification of general muscle injuries to specific hamstring muscles and how to start thinking about the rehabilitation process

Muscles L16 - High Speed Running

How does high speed running increase our chances of tearing our hamstring, and how this concept of speed and velocity of muscle contraction can be attributed other muscle tears. What we can do to rehabilitate hamstring injuries and how we should approach a muscle tear rehabilitation programme for any muscle!

Tendons L17 - Tendinopathy Introduction

Learn what exactly a tendon is made of, the terminologies involved, what is a tendinopathy, pain and The Cook Model, how to rehabilitate tendons and thought processes behind creating rehabilitation programmes.

Tendons L18 - The Cook Model

What exactly is The Cook Model and how is it useful to better understand tendon injuries and how to structure a rehabilitation programme for them

Tendons L19 - Treatment & Rehabilitation Exercise Options

Considering the Person, What exercises to choose, should you loading tendon isometrically, should you loading tendon eccentrically, what kind of reps and sets for strength training and restoring the spring and plymetric training

Ligaments L20 - Introduction to Ligament Injuries

Structure and Function of Ligaments, how they get injured, signs and symptoms of injury and severity. Ligament Healing Response stages.

Ligaments L21 - Signs & Symptoms and Factors Effecting Recovery Outcome

Factors effecting healing, rehabilitation and preventative neuromuscular control training

Ligaments L22 - Sensorimotor Effects

Ligaments L24 - Preventative Exercises & Neuromuscular Training

Ligaments L25 - Return to Play

L26 - Summary

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Course Info

Nov 30, 2023
All levels
$ 499.00


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